2014년 7월 10일 목요일

Journal 3

Still waiting for a table that I ordered last Monday. It's Microsoft Surface tablet and I'm very anxious to get it in my hands.

I just figured out why I feel so anxious right now (besides the fact that I want my tablet). And that's because I'm trying to quit smoking and I think that my body is trying to get me to smoke some nicotine cigarette. Ahh.. but I can't smoke. I don't want to smoke any more. But this nicotine addiction is strong. I must distract myself from thinking about cigarette. Maybe I should watch a drama or do my homework.. The only bad thing about not smoking is that this irritable feeling lasts quite a while and I can't focus on my homework if I feel like this. That's why I smoke sometimes just to get this irritable feeling to go away so that I can focus on my work. And I have many homework to do this week...
Should I try to quit smoking next week? What if I have another homework a week after that? Do I have to smoke again too? I don't know.. whoever invented/manufactured cigarette is the devil in my view. I think government should outlaw cigarette so that smokers can quit smoking once and for all.

I just had a weirdest dream few hours ago. I was an old man and I had trouble breathing so I had to use one of those medical equipment to help me breath... I wonder if that's going to be me in the future if I don't quit smoking.... Ah.. the reality is so harsh.. yet, I have a choice.

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