2014년 7월 7일 월요일

I'm back?

Hello everyone. I'm back..

I forgot about this blog for a while now.. and now I am back because I suddenly have this urge to write a blog. You know the feeling that you just gotta do something for no apparent reason? Ya, it's that sort of feeling.

I'm actually quite surprised by the fact that this blog had more than 500 visitors -_-
Why... I mean, how?
I guess some people just came here by typing some key words on Google and my blog came up on their search or something. It always intrigues me how my insignificant little blog gained so much attention from so many random people on the internet.
But hey, if you happen to visit here by random, be sure to say hello -o-
I'm kinda lonely here.. lol

Anyway, I changed my nickname to J Watson. Ya.. I'm sure you have guessed that it is the infamous doctor from Sherlock Holmes. Of course, it's not my real name. I wouldn't use my real name on the internet. I'm just using this name (alias) because I recently got addicted to Sherlock Holmes including the BBC's Sherlock, Robert Downey Jr's Holmes (my favorite), and the original classic Sherlock Holmes from the book.
I think I'm going to write a fan fiction (?) or a novel about Sherlock Holmes here..
I'm sure it'll be fun.
I'm sure that nobody will be reading it (or maybe not. I did have more than 500 visitors here after all.)
For the fan fiction, I'm going to pretend that I'm Doctor Watson and that I'm writing about Sherlock's adventure. No copyright infringement intended, of course. Maybe I should make my own version of Holmes just to make it clear that I'm not copying anyone although I'm quite sure that nobody would be interested in my unskilled writing of Sherlock Holmes.

First, for the novel, I need to come up with a trick. Oh yes, the trick. The trick that makes a mystery novel a mystery novel. In order to have a hero, there must a villain. And in order to have a mystery novel, there must be a crime and its trick. So, let's see. What can I use for the trick? Hmm... this is harder than I thought. Actually, this is the whole reason why I haven't written a novel yet because it's very hard to come up with a mystery trick. I will let you guys know when I come up with one.

Until then, ciao! ^_^)/

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