2014년 7월 25일 금요일
test entry for MS Surface
I'm writing this on my Microsoft Surface tablet. I think that overall this tablet is pretty awesome :D
I recently got a type keyboard which is easier to type than a touch keyboard. I must say that the 'touch' keyboard was frustrating to use because I couldn't type well with it. It was too slow and unresponsive compared to this 'type' keyboard that is almost as same as traditional PC keyboard.
With the type keyboard, I can type a lot faster and it feels very crispy and responsive. Also, I like to hear my keyboard when I'm writing, so this is a big plus. So, if you want to get a surface tablet, I must recommend that you get a 'type' keyboard instead of 'touch' keyboard. Touch keyboard is kind of useless in my opinion, especially if you like to type fast.
I know that a lot of people talk crap about Microsoft Surface, but to me, I think this tablet is just brilliant. It has almost everything you'll need from a tablet and you can also do some work by using Microsoft Office that's already installed to this tablet. The biggest downside of this tablet would be a lack of app support. To me personally, the Microsoft App Store is good enough and has enough apps for me to use on daily basis. But if you like to play app games on a tablet, this surface might not be the best tablet for you. I don't play a lot of games on a tablet, so I don't mind that it doesn't have thousands of app games. I occasionally play chess and that's about it.
Another downside is camera quality. IPad wins big time against Surface in camera quality. Of course, I'm using the first generation surface, so my tablet has the lowest quality camera compared to other recent Surface tablets. I'm sure that new Surfaces have better cameras. But as for my tablet, it has shit-ty camera. I mean, it doesn't really bother me because I can always use my phone to take a picture, so I don't need my tablet to take pictures.. but this tablet's camera is just... lowest quality I have ever seen. It almost reminds me of flip camera phones that we used to use back in 2004. I'm not hating my surface, but the camera quality is just that crap. I wonder what Microsoft was thinking when they installed this camera in their tablet. Horrible decision.
Anyway, besides from the app support and camera quality, I would say that Surface beats other tablets hands down. I'm still loving my Surface :)
I'm writing this on my Microsoft Surface tablet. I think that overall this tablet is pretty awesome :D
I recently got a type keyboard which is easier to type than a touch keyboard. I must say that the 'touch' keyboard was frustrating to use because I couldn't type well with it. It was too slow and unresponsive compared to this 'type' keyboard that is almost as same as traditional PC keyboard.
With the type keyboard, I can type a lot faster and it feels very crispy and responsive. Also, I like to hear my keyboard when I'm writing, so this is a big plus. So, if you want to get a surface tablet, I must recommend that you get a 'type' keyboard instead of 'touch' keyboard. Touch keyboard is kind of useless in my opinion, especially if you like to type fast.
I know that a lot of people talk crap about Microsoft Surface, but to me, I think this tablet is just brilliant. It has almost everything you'll need from a tablet and you can also do some work by using Microsoft Office that's already installed to this tablet. The biggest downside of this tablet would be a lack of app support. To me personally, the Microsoft App Store is good enough and has enough apps for me to use on daily basis. But if you like to play app games on a tablet, this surface might not be the best tablet for you. I don't play a lot of games on a tablet, so I don't mind that it doesn't have thousands of app games. I occasionally play chess and that's about it.
Another downside is camera quality. IPad wins big time against Surface in camera quality. Of course, I'm using the first generation surface, so my tablet has the lowest quality camera compared to other recent Surface tablets. I'm sure that new Surfaces have better cameras. But as for my tablet, it has shit-ty camera. I mean, it doesn't really bother me because I can always use my phone to take a picture, so I don't need my tablet to take pictures.. but this tablet's camera is just... lowest quality I have ever seen. It almost reminds me of flip camera phones that we used to use back in 2004. I'm not hating my surface, but the camera quality is just that crap. I wonder what Microsoft was thinking when they installed this camera in their tablet. Horrible decision.
Anyway, besides from the app support and camera quality, I would say that Surface beats other tablets hands down. I'm still loving my Surface :)
2014년 7월 11일 금요일
Question Everything
It has come to my attention that environment can make a person to be submissive even to the harshest and cruelest treatment. I, too, have had that kind of experience in my life. First it was at school, then it was at workplace, and then it was people around me that influenced my pattern of thought to become submissive to rules and expectation. I think that submissive behavior caused by such conditioning is dangerous to one's mental development.
Even if you are an adult, you can still have the mind of a child if you don't learn to think for yourself and stop others from influencing your thought. I think that it's also dangerous to depend on others to make decision for you or let others tell you how things are. You must constantly question every single information that people give you because most of the time, it's going to be either biased or inaccurate. Only a few information is worth believing because only few things can truly be proven with enough evidence. Opinions, on the other hand, are subjective and are incomplete which is why they are called opinions, not facts. But facts are not always "facts" either, or should I say that what we believe to be facts are not always the truth.
The point is that as you live your life, you will inevitably let your environment (other people) define who you are and how you think. It is just inevitable for most of us are emotional, irrational, and illogical although we want to believe that we are better than that. The only thing we can do is constantly challenge unproven ideas (even yours) and question everything even if it seems "proven." If there is a hole or a flaw in an idea, then dig that hole and get to the bottom of it. Never follow a pattern and never believe anything. In today's society, we can be slaves only if we let others think for us.
Think for yourself.
Don't believe anything.
That's what I believe to be the way to live a free life.
2014년 7월 10일 목요일
Journal 3
Still waiting for a table that I ordered last Monday. It's Microsoft Surface tablet and I'm very anxious to get it in my hands.
I just figured out why I feel so anxious right now (besides the fact that I want my tablet). And that's because I'm trying to quit smoking and I think that my body is trying to get me to smoke some nicotine cigarette. Ahh.. but I can't smoke. I don't want to smoke any more. But this nicotine addiction is strong. I must distract myself from thinking about cigarette. Maybe I should watch a drama or do my homework.. The only bad thing about not smoking is that this irritable feeling lasts quite a while and I can't focus on my homework if I feel like this. That's why I smoke sometimes just to get this irritable feeling to go away so that I can focus on my work. And I have many homework to do this week...
Should I try to quit smoking next week? What if I have another homework a week after that? Do I have to smoke again too? I don't know.. whoever invented/manufactured cigarette is the devil in my view. I think government should outlaw cigarette so that smokers can quit smoking once and for all.
I just had a weirdest dream few hours ago. I was an old man and I had trouble breathing so I had to use one of those medical equipment to help me breath... I wonder if that's going to be me in the future if I don't quit smoking.... Ah.. the reality is so harsh.. yet, I have a choice.
Journal.. number 2?
I don't remember how many journals I have written on this blog (and I'm too lazy to check the previous entries). So I'm going to just say that this is my second journal entry.
Nothing much happened today. I went to Barnes and Nobles at around 3 or 4 to do my homework. I was a bit tired when I got there, but a can of Red Bull gave me "wings" to stay awake for next 4, 5 hours. After that.. I went back home and watched Sherlock and fell asleep. One thing I like about Sherlock is that I notice different things, such as small details or dialogues, that I didn't notice previously. It's also nice to go back and learn about the tricks that are explained in the show, too. Oh, and I heard that Doctor House (?) is similar to Sherlock and so is the show Elementary. I haven't seen them but I want to see these shows now. I think I'm going to watch as many mystery shows as possible. I'm kind of addicted to that kind of stuff. I guess you can call me a mystery junkie.
And I just saw a Japanese drama called "Ogon no Buta" which is about a government agency that investigates tax fraud or something like that. I think it's kind of like what the FBI does except this Japanese agency is not really a law enforcement agency (kind of strange. They investigate fraud but they don't really arrest criminals. After they find a criminal, they report it to police as far as I understand it from the show). Oh, maybe it's sort of like the IRS.. that makes little more sense.. kind of. I'm not familiar with how Japanese government agencies work, so I will let you know more about detail as I watch this show.
The story is about this swindler (con artist) who was recruited by a head executive of this agency to investigate tax fraud. But she (yes, the protagonist is a woman) is not your typical bureaucrat who wears suits and kiss higher-up's butts. She's more of a retaliatory character who dresses casually and she has carefree attitude to anyone including to her superior. Her colleagues are total opposite of her and they act like your typical bureaucrats described above. Soon, she was almost fired from her job for investigating some powerful politician who misused government's money for personal gain. The truth is that the corrupt politician had close ties with higher ups of this agency who made a deal to cover up his crimes. When the heroine was told by her superior that she would be fired if she continues with her investigation, she quit her job voluntarily and she motivated two other colleagues to join her to investigate. At the end of the day, she proved the politician's misdeeds and she was hired again by the same head executive who recruited her (this head executive is not corrupted unlike other two head executives.)
I think I like this drama, and I'm going to keep watching it for next few days.
Truth lies at the Bottom of a Well
2014년 7월 7일 월요일
I'm back?
Hello everyone. I'm back..
I forgot about this blog for a while now.. and now I am back because I suddenly have this urge to write a blog. You know the feeling that you just gotta do something for no apparent reason? Ya, it's that sort of feeling.
I'm actually quite surprised by the fact that this blog had more than 500 visitors -_-
Why... I mean, how?
I guess some people just came here by typing some key words on Google and my blog came up on their search or something. It always intrigues me how my insignificant little blog gained so much attention from so many random people on the internet.
But hey, if you happen to visit here by random, be sure to say hello -o-
I'm kinda lonely here.. lol
Anyway, I changed my nickname to J Watson. Ya.. I'm sure you have guessed that it is the infamous doctor from Sherlock Holmes. Of course, it's not my real name. I wouldn't use my real name on the internet. I'm just using this name (alias) because I recently got addicted to Sherlock Holmes including the BBC's Sherlock, Robert Downey Jr's Holmes (my favorite), and the original classic Sherlock Holmes from the book.
I think I'm going to write a fan fiction (?) or a novel about Sherlock Holmes here..
I'm sure it'll be fun.
I'm sure that nobody will be reading it (or maybe not. I did have more than 500 visitors here after all.)
For the fan fiction, I'm going to pretend that I'm Doctor Watson and that I'm writing about Sherlock's adventure. No copyright infringement intended, of course. Maybe I should make my own version of Holmes just to make it clear that I'm not copying anyone although I'm quite sure that nobody would be interested in my unskilled writing of Sherlock Holmes.
First, for the novel, I need to come up with a trick. Oh yes, the trick. The trick that makes a mystery novel a mystery novel. In order to have a hero, there must a villain. And in order to have a mystery novel, there must be a crime and its trick. So, let's see. What can I use for the trick? Hmm... this is harder than I thought. Actually, this is the whole reason why I haven't written a novel yet because it's very hard to come up with a mystery trick. I will let you guys know when I come up with one.
Until then, ciao! ^_^)/
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