2013년 12월 30일 월요일

Quit smoking

I have decided to quit smoking starting today. There are many reasons to quit smoking, but the main reason is that i want to set an example as a Christian to other people. I can talk to people about Christianity all day but if they see me smoking, what kind of message am i sending? That i am a weak minded hypocrite who cant even quit smoking? More often than not, people judge the message based on the messenger. If the messenger turns out to be a hypocrite who is untrustworthy, then his message loses its credibility as well. I cant allow myself to do that. Although its impossible to be a perfectly good person who doesn't do anything bad, i must make an effort to quit doing things that might give the wrong impression to people about my faith. 

Also it just looks bad to other people especially to women and children. Can you imagine a pastor who smokes in front of other people? People will think very negatively about the pastor.
Often we hear Christians or pastors talk about drugs that can ruin our lives such as alcohol or illegal drugs. But if they smoke cigarettes and cant quit the bad habit themselves, why should we listen to them? It is more important to 'show' them what you mean by setting an example yourself instead of just talking like a hypocrite. Quitting smoking is not just about me any more. It is about the message i am trying to convey to other people. 

I thank God for making realize this. 

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